Let's Be Friends
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Hey you. 

I’m Jess and the founder of Out in the Boons Consulting. 

Without dating myself, I’ve been working in the nonprofit space since 2006 with a majority of my time focused on fundraising. 

I’m a self proclaimed fundraising geek that listens to sales, marketing, fundraising, and nonprofit management Podcasts, reads books about fundraising, scrolls Instagram for nonprofits and attend or produce a lot of events focused on…you guessed it…fundraising. Never stop learning they say.

This blog is a place for me to share some of my findings, best practices, top lists, and how to’s. 

One of my biggest pet peeves is when an expert, influencer or celebrity gives a vague answer. #comeon For example, when some of the interviewees on How I Built This or Second Life are asked a question like, “How did you get started?” And they reply with something to the effect of, “I took some savings, did an angel round of investing and then I was off to the races.” NO. I want to know not only the real numbers, but how did you save say, $5,000? How many friends and family members did you go to? What amount did you raise? What did you say to them? How much equity did you give away? How did you even know what an angel round of investment was? Real talk - like Jada, Willow and Adrienne.

So join the fun - I hope what I have to share is fresh and helpful. 



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