Pack your bags and buckle up - it’s time to take a summer…

Roadtrip workshop series happening Tuesday June 13 2023

Introducing your journey to creating a 3-month summer plan to prepare you and your nonprofit organization for the 2023 year end-of-year giving season. 


The proof is in the prep-work
— Anonymous

The 2023 fundraising climate has changed. 

Gone are the days when you can host a Giving Day out of nowhere or whip together a fundraising campaign quickly. What used to take 4-6 weeks in preparation is now taking 8-10.


(we don’t make the rules)

That’s why we are inviting nonprofit leaders and fundraisers to get a jump start on their most profitable giving months now by using the summer season to map out an end-of-year giving plan that will have you saying, “Fundraising is fun!” in no time. 

📍First Stop

Master the Inner Game: Why your mindset matters for fundraising performance

📍 Second Stop:

Stop assuming: Leveraging donor meetings to find the right strategy and nail the best messaging to raise more this year-end

📍 Third Stop

Get your donor database year-end ready: A simple spreadsheet tip to fixing donor names

📍Fourth Stop

How to attract (not chase) the right donors for your nonprofit

📍Fifth Stop:

3 ways to maximize your summer months before EOY giving season

In this 2-hour live workshop, you will walk away with:

✅ Actionable strategies you can implement across June, July and August to raise the most money in Q3 and Q4

✅ The motivation you need to get ahead of the curve on end-of-year giving season

✅ The mindset you need to conquer 10x your year-end revenue

✅ Your summer to-do list that you can get started on right away

Also included in your ticket 🎟

📖 A digital workbook to jot down all of your ah-ha moments

🎥 90 days of replay access 

You ready to hit the road?