Posts in cultivation
The Art of Educating Your Donors

One of the mistakes I see nonprofits make is that when it comes time to ask for money, they try to ask, inspire, AND educate - all at the same time. It’s too much! Unfortunately, when that happens - it feels like a water hose of information - so much to take in and none of it gets caught. Here are five ways you can educate your donors in the lead up to making an ask for your nonprofit.

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An outreach tactic with a 100% response rate

Have you ever heard the saying, “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today,”? That saying is relationship building in a nutshell. A hard truth in fundraising is that very rarely does it go fast. In fact, I can count on one hand the amount of times a donation fell from the sky. The other 99.9%? They came out of meaningful relationships. But how do you start those relationships? Especially when you don’t have an introduction…

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